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Weather Risk Plans for Your School – It IS Your Responsibility

Weather Risk Plans for Your School – It IS Your Responsibility

BushOverEnterpriseWhatever your job title within the walls of the school, if you are in charge of planning and implementing your severe weather plan, you are the emergency manager for your school. That responsibility means identifying multiple hazards that might threaten your school’s operations and the safety of your students, staff, and visitors. There can be literally dozens of them in varying degrees based on the frequency of the event, the geographical area that might be involved, the number of people at risk, the amount of lead time you have to prepare and react, etc., which is why doing a risk assessment is so important. You can focus resources for the one that is likely to give you the most problems. There is no part of the United States that can be identified as immune to severe weather, so this risk needs to be on everyone’s list of hazards!

Read more: Weather Risk Plans for Your School – It IS Your Responsibility

Countywide versus Storm Specific


sp tornado2When I was a child in Oklahoma City, OK, fearful of the next tornado delivering thunderstorm, everytime I would hear an outdoor siren, I would worry if that was the 'one'.  The whir of the weather  radio would have my knees buckling in fear.  Fear that my house would soon be gone, and me in it.  Wizard of Oz, Dorothy style.  But with today's National Weather Service warnings and the proper choices of notification companies, those days of unnecessary fear are over!

Read more: Countywide versus Storm Specific

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