Social WeatherFeeds
Direct viewers on social media back to your live storm coverage.
What is it?
Social Weather Feeds provides live severe weather content to your social media feeds followers won't find anywhere else, and your staff typically has no time to post. It is NOT AUTOMATED. Our highly trained and vetted contributors use proprietary tools developed by WeatherCall Services, monitoring all National Weather Service and local Emergency Management output affecting your viewing area. When a "Watch" is issued, we activate our team, and continue posting to your various feeds until the event is over, usually long after your weather team has called it a night. We post simultaneously on all approved platforms multipying your reach.
How does it work?
We only post official NWS and emergency management severe weather information. It is our policy to never post any unapproved, self-created content, nor to interact with a follower. WeatherCall's Social Weather Feeds will never try to replace your personal touch in social media; we only add to the conversation. Links to your "dot-com" are regularly inserted which may include latest warning information, streaming severe weather coverage, and severe weather safety information. We use social media to direct them back to your credible storm coverage when severe weather dominates what's trending.
SWF Content Contributors
Social Weather Feeds consists of a team of degreed AMS meteorologists, advanced trained SkyWarn storm spotters and certified amateur radio technicians. These are the people with their fingers on the pulse of severe weather outbreaks. Each is highly researched with strong references, reliability, and integrity. We understand the absolute trust placed in our hands with your social media platforms.
What does it cost?
Social Weather Feeds is offered to our current and future WeatherCall Services affiliates at no charge, or on a monthly fee basis determined by evaluating market parameters, such as number of NWS offices to monitor, number of social media platforms affected, etc.
Implementation is simple and fast. Contact us for details. (256)434-1234, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or leave us your information below.
During severe weather, see us in action at: