Weather Risk and Your Business

link to ready.govSafety first. That is an often used motto at most of America's companies and corporations. The people tasked with implementing the plans that bring that motto to life are often viewed as being a little over-protective.  But after working with many of those in charge of a facility's safety plan, there are a lot of things they have thought of and prevented even before you may have seen it as a threat.

When a tornado warning is issued for your county, they are tasked with a tremendous responsibility. Do they decide to suspend operations while hunting for more specific and credible information, potentially costing thousands or more in revenue? Or, do they gamble with the safety of their staff and customers?  Even evacuating and sheltering have risks associated with them.

 The possible legal ramifications if they make the WRONG decision are something everyone wants to avoid. Our company members have worked in the meteorology and emergency management fields for decades, and fully appreciate the weight of this decision which is too often based on very scant information, at best.  

WCE Tornado Mfg PlantIn 2007, changes in National Weather Service storm warning area determination based on computerized mapping results in warning areas being reduced by an average of 75%.  If you choose a service like WeatherCall Enterprise, which uses this precise computerized mapping, it means your business will ONLY be notified when the severe weather warning box includes any portion of the area within a pre-defined protection zone. This eliminates ALL false alarms and saves thousands, sometimes millions of dollars in business continuity costs when your business decides to shut down unnecessarily.  At the same time, WeatherCall Enterprise provides you full control of your account settings at all times regarding who is notified primarily to make initial decisions to shut down or continue operations, It also provides the ability to launch secondary notifications if they decide to alert the entire staff with a single click on an email link.

Every business has unique needs when it comes to their severe weather emergency plan. The reality is, “Weather risk management” has historically been out of reach of typical safety department budgets.  For example - a large manufacturing facility, hospital, or office complex with hundreds of employees may need a longer warning lead-time than a small child care facility or restaurant. Basic WeatherCall Enterprise business plans are available for less than $200 for a full year of service.

Regardless of the size of your business and the eventual cost of your plan, you can be assured that you will be very pleased at the affordability of WeatherCall Enterprise compared to other business weather notification systems.

Your business cannot afford to be without an emergency plan, and for some, your business cannot afford your current plan.

If you would like help with your weather-related emergency plans, and to learn more about making WeatherCall Enterprise an integral and affordable part of your current business continuity plan, please let us show you how we can improve your business' severe weather risk management plan. We have meteorologists, a Certified Business Continuity Professional and Certified Emergency Manager available to assist you with in-person and virtual presentations available.

Just contact us by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Or you can call me, Brad Huffines, AMS Meteorologist, at (256) 682-9217 or Bob Goldhammer, CEM, CBCP, at 515-422-0456 and let us set you up for a free, no obligation demonstration. You can also CLICK HERE for more information.  But whatever you do, have a plan, check those plans at least annually, and exercise those plans.

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